Rosie the Photobooth Car

Rosie the Photobooth Car

Some cars are beautiful friends. Rosie, the Nash Metropolitan, was our runabout in Hawaii and she is magical. Everywhere we drive people will wave, smile and laugh - she is driveable joy.

Truffaux Panama hats at Ala Moana Hawaii

Admittedly she is a bit on the tiny side - but my god she is cute. In 2016, we opened our second store at Ala Moana and she was positioned centre stage. She became a photobooth and thousands of people jumped in, and took their portrait - it was hilarious to watch - especially at halloween.

Photos of Panama hats in Rosie the photocar
panama hat girls
the Truffaux in Hawaii panama hats

Over the years we have had a lot of amazing cars, but Rosie will always hold a special place in my heart. 



atticus truffaux in hawaii
panama hats hawaii

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